Tim Tebow, former NFL player who pursue his career on baseball nowadays, is known as a strong man with a buff body. Well, his career as an athlete requires him to be strong and fit all the time but he is a gentle man for sure. Here are some proofs that Tim Tebow also has a soft side.
• Christmas Anytime, Any Season
Who knows that Tim Tebow is a Christmas freak? He loves anything about Christmas although it is not the season. One thing that he never tired of is Christmas songs which he listens to anytime, including while working out.
He said that Christmas is not only about the festive celebration, but it represents the greatest gift for humankind, so he is thankful and wants to enjoy it anytime.
• Bible Scribbles
He is a believer and devoted man. He has a tattered bible which he got when he was in elementary school. This bible is a special one where he scribbled down some notes from sermons and created memories. Sometimes he sees the signs and treasures it so much.
• Mom’s Lovely Son
He listed some of his favourite things at home and one of them is a photo with his mom. He really loves his mom and got a picture of how his mom supports him in his career. The photo was taken after Tebow won the national championship with the University of Florida. He went to stands, found his mom, and grabbed her hand. This photo means a lot to him just like how just a little amount of money can mean a lot for players since they know, players can turn the cash into jackpots.
• David Yurman Necklace
He treasures a lot of memories, including this necklace which his older brother gave him when Tebow becomes his nephew godfather. This necklace reminds him to be a protector as written on the necklace and represented by the lion. He finds it very emotional.
It is him, Tim Tebow, an athlete with a soft character, which is his trademark. He really shows how an athlete should be a professional on the field but, at the same time, have a good character as fans may find him as an example.